Illustration by A. Scharf and J. Brazill in association with InPrint at Washington University in St. Louis

Biostatistics, Evidence, and Research Design

Faculty Investigator: Keith Lohse, PhD, PStat [Research Profile ]

We focus on measurement, design, and analysis as they pertain to rehabilitation science and clinical practice. Rehabilitation is a complex, dynamic process with many interacting factors at physiological, psychological, and sociological levels. To that end, we specialize in analytical and predictive modeling techniques to help disentangle these problems and mechanistically explore the rehabilitation process.

Learn more about our research in Biostatistics, Evidence, and Research Design

Foot & Ankle Injury Recovery

Faculty Investigator: Mary K. Hastings, PT, DPT, MSCI, ATC [Research Profile ]

The focus of our work is to examine the relationship between anatomical and biomechanical factors of the foot and ankle and mechanisms of injury, interventions, and treatment outcomes.

Learn more about our research on foot and ankle injury recovery »

Integrative Muscle Physiology

Faculty Investigator: Gretchen A. Meyer, PhD [Research Profile ]

This research area focuses on understanding how changes at the cellular level in skeletal muscle affect muscle structure and function, and, in turn, how pathological changes in muscle affect cellular processes.

Learn more about integrative muscle physiology »

Movement and Neurodegenerative Disease

Faculty Investigators: Gammon M. Earhart, PT, PhD, FAPTA [Research Profile ] , Ryan P. Duncan, PT, DPT, MSCI [Research Profile ] and Kerri S. Rawson, PhD, MS [Research Profile]

Our goal is to investigate how the human nervous system controls movement in health and in neurological and neurodegenerative disease.

Learn more about our movement and neurodegenerative disease research »

Neural Control of Movement Following Neurological Injury

Faculty investigator: Laura McPherson, PT, DPT, PhD [Research Profile ]

The focus of our research is to explore neural mechanisms underlying movement problems following neurological injury to inform the development of rehabilitation interventions that are rooted in nervous system neuropathophysiology. We use neural and biomechanical measures of motor output, including advanced signal analysis techniques of motor unit populations.

Learn more about our research on neural control of movement following neurological injury »

Neural Plasticity and Sensorimotor Integration

Faculty investigator: Jacob McPherson, PhD [Research Profile ]

We study patterns of synaptic communication within sensorimotor neural networks and how these networks learn to modify their function(s) when new patterns are introduced or existing patterns are altered.

Learn more about our research on neural plasticity and sensorimotor integration »

Orthopaedic Biomechanics

Faculty Investigator: Michael D. Harris, PhD [Research Profile ]

We investigate joint shape, musculature, and associated biomechanics as they change due to injury or disease and how we can improve interventions to preserve or restore joint health.

Learn more about our orthopaedic biomechanics research »

Prevention, Rehabilitation and Maintenance in Musculoskeletal Conditions

Faculty Investigator: Linda Van Dillen, PT, PhD, FAPTA [Research Profile ]

The goal of our work is to understand how the musculoskeletal and nervous systems interact to contribute to the development of musculoskeletal conditions across the lifespan. We also are interested in how psychosocial and environmental factors impact these interactions.

Learn more about our research on the prevention, rehabilitation and maintenance of musculoskeletal conditions »

Rehabilitation Research for Orthopaedic Conditions

Faculty Investigator: Marcie Harris-Hayes, PT, DPT, MSCI [Research Profile ]

The goal of our research is to develop effective rehabilitation strategies for people with musculoskeletal hip pain that will improve function and prevent or delay the need for surgical or pharmacological intervention.

Learn more about our rehabilitation research for orthopaedic conditions »

Shoulder Biomechanics and Rehabilitation

Faculty Investigators: Rebekah Lawrence, PT, PhD

Our research is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals with shoulder pain and those who have undergone rotator cuff repair surgery.

Learn more about shoulder biomechanics and rehabilitation »

Stroke Recovery, Rehabilitation, and Accelerometry

Faculty Investigators: Catherine Lang, PT, PhD, FAPTA [Research Profile ], Marghuretta D. Bland, PT, DPT, NCS [Research Profile ], and Carey L. Holleran, PT, MPT, DHS, NCS [Research Profile ]

Our research is aimed at developing effective and efficient, individualized rehabilitation for people with neurological injury, particularly those with stroke.

Learn more about stroke recovery, rehabilitation, and accelerometry research »

Tendon Rehabilitation

Faculty Investigator: Jennifer Zellers, PT, DPT, PhD

The Tendon Rehabilitation Lab is committed to improving care for people with tendon injury and dysfunction. Our research is aimed at advancing our understanding of person-specific factors that affect a tendon’s ability to respond to treatment.

Learn more about tendon rehabilitation research »