Attending Faculty – Shirley Sahrmann, Dr. Cheryl Caldwell, Dr. Suzy Cornbleet and Dr. Mary Kate McDonnell
This course will provide didactic information and laboratory experience in the diagnoses and management of Movement System Impairment (MSI) syndromes of the lumbar spine, hip, shoulder, and cervical spine. Didactic information includes a review of the concept and principles of MSI. Those concepts include the kinesiologic model, relative flexibility, relative stiffness, and motor learning and how they contribute to the development of the path of least resistance for movement. The model proposes that micro-instability in the underlying cause of microtrauma that becomes microtrauma. The role of movement in creating musculoskeletal pain conditions. Syndromes that focus on the pain producing movement and the contributing factors will be described. The examination used to make the diagnosis and to develop the treatment program will be demonstrated. Participants will practice the tests of the examination as well as perform a complete examination and develop a treatment program based on identifying the syndrome.
Schedule and Registration can be found here: