Faculty Emeritus

Nancy J. Bloom, PT, DPT, MSOT
Nancy Bloom, MSOT, PT, DPT, retired in 2024 after a remarkable 45 years of service to WashU. As a superb clinician and educator, Nancy garnered respect from practitioners across the globe as a recognized expert in musculoskeletal conditions of the hip and low back. Nancy was a key leader in developing and presenting musculoskeletal content within Washington University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum across the decades. She also provided valuable insights for many clinical research projects, resulting in authorship of numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts, textbook chapters and clinical practice guidelines. Nancy had an enormous impact on clinical practice through her work within the Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy (AOPT), as Chair of the Education Committee, through service on the Planning Committee for the Annual Orthopaedic Academy Meeting and as a member of the AOPT Board of Directors. Her enduring contributions to the practice of physical therapy were recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association through the Henry O. Kendall and Florence P. Kendall Award and the John H.P. Maley Lecture Award.

B. Ruth Clark, PT, PhD
B. Ruth Clark, PT, PhD, retired from Washington University in 2024. She was a member of the faculty for nearly 40 years, and during that time directly taught more than 5,000 learners in the physiology courses she offered within the Program in Physical Therapy and the Department of Biology. She also taught many learners how to teach through her leadership of the Teaching Practicum in the Movement Science PhD program. Ruth was loved by students and admired by colleagues for the breadth and depth of her knowledge along with her passion for lifelong learning and continuous incorporation of new knowledge. In addition to her stellar teaching, Ruth contributed dozens of scientific publications to the literature. Her research over the years took her from studies of cerebellar degeneration and ataxia in the lab to studies of physical activity and nutrition in the community. And, when it comes to community, Ruth certainly did her part. Whether through service as a faculty associate for residential life on the Danforth campus or as a member of St. Louis Public Schools Health & Wellness Committee, Ruth made her mark.

Robert H. Deusinger, PT, PhD
Bob Deusinger, retired in 2013, and his career with the Program in Physical Therapy covered all three missions: education, research and patient care. As the director of the Human Biodynamics Laboratory (HBL),Bob led a team in research directed at understanding complexities of the knee joint and the mechanisms of injury or disease. He also served as Director, Clinical Practice for seven years, taught Kinesiology to the DPT students, and mentored PhD students. Bob was honored with the Robert Bartlett Recognition Award and Charles M Magistro Distinguished Service Award from the Foundation for Physical Therapy.

Susan S. Deusinger, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Susan S. Deusinger, PT, PhD, FAPTA, retired in July 2014 after 36 years at Washington University. During her tenure Susie demonstrated great passion for the profession and for leading the Program to the highly respected organization it is today. Susie was instrumental in leading Washington University’s transition from baccalaureate level physical therapist education, to a master’s degree, to the current clinical DPT degree. Susie’s leadership has been acknowledged multiple times by the American Physical Therapy Association at the chapter, state, and national level, and she was inducted into APTA’s Catherine Worthingham Fellows in 2006.

Kathleen Dixon, PT, MEd
Kathleen Dixon’s career spanned nearly fifty years during which she distinguished herself as a clinician, educator and advocate for physical therapy. She began her service to Washington University in 1981. Kathleen made major contributions in curriculum analysis, development of faculty as excellent educators, and delivery of innovative learning experiences to ensure our students would maintain the highest professional standards and integrity. She was active at the local and state levels of the Missouri Physical Therapy Association. She retired in 2000.

Robert J. Hickok, PT, MHA
Robert J. Hickok, PT, MHA, served Washington University as a faculty member in the Program in Physical Therapy and as the Chief Facilities Officer, for the School of Medicine. Bob was President of the Missouri Physical Therapy Association, was a member of the Board of Directors of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), and was a part of the Organizing Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Physical Therapy.

Michael Mueller, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Michael J. Mueller, PT, PhD, FAPTA, retired from Washington University in 2022 after more than 40 years of service. Michael is known nationally and internationally for his research on rehabilitation for people with diabetes mellitus and his development of the physical stress theory. Across his career, Michael published more than 120 peer-reviewed papers and shaped the careers of countless physical therapists and scientists through his mentoring and his generosity of time and spirit. Michael is a servant leader and directed the Movement Science PhD program as well as the Program’s Research Division for many years. He also willingly served the profession as a member of the board for the Foundation Physical Therapy Research and for the journal Physical Therapy. His contributions were recognized with many awards over the years, including the Eugene Michels New Investigator Award, Marian Williams Award, Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, Jules M. Rothstein Golden Pen Award, John P. Maley Award, Career Excellence Award in Biomechanics and many others.

Shirley A. Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Shirley A. Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA, is a renowned teacher, researcher, and clinician. She began teaching in 1961 and spent 54 years educating two generations of physical therapists, and was the first director of the Movement Science Program. Shirley became a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association in 1986, and in 1998 was selected to receive the Mary McMillan Award, the highest honor of the Association. Her first book, Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes, has been translated into seven languages; her second book, Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Cervical and Thoracic Spines and the Extremities, has been equally influential in educating physical therapists to embrace their responsibility to guide patients toward optimal health and functional independence through movement. She retired in 2012 but still makes time to lecture to DPT students and present at continuing education courses.

Jennifer S. Stith, PT, PhD, LCSW
Jennifer S. Stith, PT, PhD, LCSW, retired from Washington University in 2021 after serving at the institution for 37 years. During those years, she had a profound impact on the Program in Physical Therapy through her quiet leadership. Jennifer served as Associate Director of Professional curriculum, leading first the Masters and then the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program. Jennifer then advanced to leading the entire Education Division, overseeing all entry-level and post-professional training programs. All the while, she also: 1) provided sustained and outstanding service to the profession in various roles within the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education and the American Physical Therapy Association, 2) fostered the growth of the University by championing diversity, equity, inclusion and interprofessional education and 3) provided informal and formal mentoring and training to foster career development of both faculty and students. All told, Jennifer influenced the education of over 2,000 students.