An active member of the national physical therapy community, Stephanie has served on multiple national task forces for the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and actively lobbies for healthcare policy issues at the local, state, and national levels of government. Stephanie is a nationally sought-after speaker and consultant for topics on social media use, generational issues, and organizational membership. Stephanie received the Emerging Leader of the APTA award in 2016 and 2019. She is co-host and COO of The Healthcare Education Transformation Podcast, and in 2020, Stephanie was elected to the APTA Nominating Committee. She serves as the Vice President of APTA Connecticut Chapter and as Chair of the Nominating Committee for the APTA Private Practice section. Stephanie works as a physical therapist at Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers in Orange, CT. In 2021, she and her husband welcomed their first child. Congrats, Dr. Weyrauch!