CSM 2022 will be held February 2-5, 2022 in San Antonio, Texas. Below is a schedule of WUPT participation.
Due to Washington University School of Medicine travel restrictions due to the current COVID surge, the Program in Physical Therapy will not be participating in this year’s conference. We look forward to seeing our alumni and friends at CSM 2023 in San Diego.
Thursday, February 3
Presenter(s) Name: Jennifer Zellers
Time of Presentation: 8-10am
Date of Presentation: 2/3/2022
Session Title: Cause of Achilles Tendon Pain? What to Evaluate with Your Next Patient
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): education session
Title: Tendon structure and systemic factors – how a hyperglycemic systemic environment influences tendon health
Presenter: Megan Burgess
Time of Presentation: 1-3PM
Date of Presentation: 2/3/2022
Event Type Group 1 POSTER
Session Title: “Don’t Forget the Hip! Analysis of Femoracetabular Movement Faults in Patients with Coccyxdynia”
Presenter(s) Name: Adele Looper, SPT; April Brown, PT, DPT
Time of Presentation: 1-3PM
Date of Presentation: Thursday, February 3rd
Session Title: Orthopedics/ Hip/ Knee
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Poster
Title: An MSI Approach and BFR Training Improves Snapping Biceps Femoris Syndrome: A Case Report
Friday, February 4
Presenter(s) Name: Jennifer Zellers, Mary Hastings, Gretchen Meyer, Hyo-Jung Jeong
Time of Presentation: 8-10am
Date of Presentation: 2/4/2022
Session Title: The Diabetic Foot Update: From Bench to Bedside
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): education session
Presenter(s) Name: Cheryl Smith, Nolan O’Malley
Time of Presentation: 1:00-3:00 PM
Room Name: Exhibit Hall 2
Title: Managing Elbow and Forearm Pain in Two Amateur Rock- Climbers through Improving Scapular Muscle Performance.
Presenter(s) Name: Jaimie Girnis, PT, DPT, James Terrence Cavanaugh, PT, PhD, Tamara Rork DeAngelis, PT, DPT, Ryan Duncan, Martha J Hessler, Michael Lawrence, Timothy Nordahl, PT, DPT, Kerri S. Rawson, PhD, Jenna Zajac, PT, DPT, Gammon M. Earhart, PT, PhD, FAPTA and Theresa D. Ellis, PT, PhD, FAPTA Time of Presentation: 3-5pm
Date of Presentation: 2/4/22
Session Title: Neurology Platform Session 2: Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Platform
Title: Steps Don’t Tell the Whole Story: Walking Intensity Matters in Parkinson Disease
Room Name: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center – Exhibit Hall Platform Area 1
Presenter(s) Name: Kristen Koch, PT, DPT, Norah Sweeney, PT, DPT, James Terrence Cavanaugh, PT, PhD, Tamara Rork DeAngelis, PT, DPT, Ryan Patrick Duncan, PT, DPT, MSci, Jaimie Girnis, PT, DPT, Martha Hessler, PhD, Mary Beth A. Holmes, PT, DPT, Timothy Jon Nordahl, PT, Kerri S. Rawson, PhD, Jenna Zajac, PT, DPT, Gammon M. Earhart, PT, PhD, FAPTA and Theresa D. Ellis, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Time of Presentation: 3-5pm
Date of Presentation: 2/4/22
Session Title: Neurology Platform Session 2: Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Platform
Title: Does ZIP Code Influence Daily Steps in Individuals with Parkinson Disease?
Room Name: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center – Exhibit Hall Platform Area 1
Saturday, February 5
Presenter(s) Name: Jean Fitzpatrick Timmerberg, PT, MHS, PhD, Gail M. Jensen, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Steven Bryce Chesbro, PT, DPT, EdD and Steven Benton Ambler, PT, DPT, MPH, PhD
Time of Presentation: 8-10am
Date of Presentation: 2/5/22
Session Title: ED- 11052
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Presentation
Title: Competency-Based Education in Physical Therapy 101
Room Name: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center -Hemisfair C1
Presenter(s) Name: Ryan Duncan, Corey Simon, Sean Rundell
Time of Presentation: 8-10am
Date of Presentation: 2/5/22
Session Title: OR-10676
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Presentation
Title: Geriatric Low Back Pain: Current and Future Considerations
Room Name: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center – Lila Cockrell Theater
Presenter(s) Name: Jennifer Zellers
Time of Presentation: 8:00-10:00
Date of Presentation: 2/5/2022
Session Title: Engaging in Research and Teaching after the DPT: A Conversation about Career Paths
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): education session
Presenter(s) Name: Stacey Chen
Time of Presentation: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Date of Presentation: February 5, 2022
Session Title: Orthopaedics/Spine
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): POSTER
Title: Spinal Movement Impairments during Hip Rotation Tests in People with and without Low Back Pain
Presenter(s) Name: Mary Crumley, PT, DPT
Time of Presentation: 1pm-3pm
Date of Presentation: Feb 5th
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Poster
Title: Feasibility of Moderate to High Intensity Gait Training in a Patient with Transfemoral Amputation
Room Name of Presentation: Exhibit Hall 2 Henry B Gonzales Convention Center
Poster Number (if applicable): 3203
Presenter(s) Name: Kayla Krueger
Time of Presentation: 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Date of Presentation: February 5, 2022
Session Title: Orthopaedics/Spine
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Poster
Title: Spinal Movement Impairments in People with Acute Low Back Pain
Presenter(s) Name: Kayla Krueger
Time of Presentation: 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Date of Presentation: February 5, 2022
Session Title: Orthopaedics/Spine
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): Poster
Title: The Effect of Modifying Spinal Movement Impairments in People with Acute Low Back Pain
Presenter(s) Name: Lauren Tueth, Gammon Earhart, Ellie Harrison
Time of Presentation: 1-3pm
Date of Presentation: 2/5/22
Session Title: Saturday Feb. 5 Poster Session
Event Type (presentation, platform, poster): poster
Title: Musical Cues to Improve Gait in People with Parkinson Disease and Dementia
Room Name: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center – Exhibit Hall 2