We offer outpatient movement disorders rehabilitation therapy options that can maximize your quality of life and independence. 

Our team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists have advanced training in the management of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.

When and Why to Find a Physical Therapist

Physical therapists can be helpful at all stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Here are some reasons to find a PT:

  • For education and self-management advice.
  • To learn about the exercise routines that have been associated with improvements (or slower declines) in mobility, quality of life and disease severity.
    • If you have questions about the type, intensity, frequency or duration of exercise.
    • If you have questions about safety when exercising.
  • If you have noticed changes or problems with the following:
    • Walking: slowness, small steps, freezing (feeling glued to the floor or difficulty getting started)
    • Balance or stability
    • Posture
    • Pain
    • Moving around the house (getting up from a chair, moving around in bed)
    • Getting around in the community (in/out of a car or bus, elevators, stairs and uneven ground)
  • If you are afraid of falling, have fallen or are worried about your safety.
  • For other health problems that affect your mobility, including joint or muscle pain from arthritis, problems with endurance due to a heart or lung condition, a broken bone or surgery.

Our physical therapists can help you improve your strength, flexibility, and posture. As a result of physical therapy for Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, you can feel more agile and strong while you are moving, thereby reducing your risk of injury and falls.

Compensatory strategies and exercises trained are specific to your area(s) of need and your personal goals. We will help you incorporate a plan of care that includes education, caregiver training, and/or development of home and community programs to ensure carryover and long-term success.

When and Why to Find an Occupational Therapist

Our occupational therapists can be helpful at all stages of PD. You may be interested in seeing an occupational therapist if you have experienced any changes in the ability (physical or cognitive) to take care of yourself or fulfill any role/routines which are important to you. 

Here are some reasons to find an OT:

  • For skilled education and self-management
  • To learn about adaptive equipment of medical equipment that can help you stay independent in all daily activities (For example: the use of built up utensils to make it easier to eat or use of a raised toilet seat to make getting on and off easier)
  • home safety/home modification/fall prevention/environmental modification education
  • community engagement (work modifications, return to driving, social and leisure participation)
  • generalized strengthening and intervention for gross motor and fine motor coordination
  • cognitive retraining
  • handwriting
  • family/caregiver training

Treatment will include learning compensatory strategies, modifications and use of adaptive equipment or durable medical equipment to keep you independent and safe in all your daily activities and roles.

When and Why to Find a Speech-Language Pathologist

Our speech-language pathologists can be helpful at all stages of PD.  You may be interested in seeing a SLP if you have experiences any changes in your swallowing, communication, or cognition impacting your participation or satisfaction in your home, work, or community.

Here are some reasons to find a SLP:

  • Voice therapy (see LSVT LOUD)
  • Swallowing difficulties (see Dysphagia)
  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Problem solving
  • Word finding
  • Articulation

Treatment will include compensatory strategies and skill remediation to improve your safety and participation in your daily activities and roles.  You will be empowered with tools and skills to communicate more confidently in a variety of situations and manage your ADLs and/or IADLs by addressing your specific concerns and challenges.

Call us today to schedule your appointment!


Please fax referrals to 314-286-1473.Maps & Directions are available here.